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Tatiana Chernysheva MD, PhD

Clinic of Functional Medicine "Manus" Vladivostok, Russia
manus.prim@gmail.com · www.manus-vl.ru

Neurochemistry of a Smile

Any emotional dysfunction - neural depressive disorders - can cause and support somatic pathologies in both adults and children.

They can be expressed in thyrotoxicosis, vitiligo, progressive scoliotic disease, and even be manifested in connective tissue dysplasia, namely collagenopathy in type V collagen (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, classical type).

These somatic pathologies can be considered within the frame of the psycho-neuro-endocrine-immune-genetics interactions.

The neurochemistry change is a key moment in the treatment and stabilization of endocrine, immune and genetic diseases

Based on several clinical cases.